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7 Crazy Myths About Coding Debunked

Coding. The very word conjures up myths, misperceptions, and misunderstanding. Most of these misconceptions are tied to the personality traits and abilities needed to succeed at mastering this skill. It’s time you learned the truth. Coding is a viable career path open to everyone. Let’s bust some of the crazier myths about coding skills. You must be a math and science nerd to excel at coding. It’s true, some coding jobs do require a deep understanding of math and science. Most, however, do not....

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How to Survive and Succeed at a Software Development Boot Camp

  Lots of people have questions about what it takes to succeed at a software development boot camp like Tech Ladder. Below is advice from Tech Ladder instructors, alumni, and current students (edited for clarity). Words of wisdom from Tech Ladder Instructor David Ginzberg: Boot camps are not casual affairs. It’s just as important to ensure that you are mentally prepared to attend as it is to make sure those who you care about know what to expect. You will be dedicating almost every waking...

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ZCW – Changing the World…One Developer at a Time

As you’ve probably noticed, software runs the world. From your mobile devices to your TV screen, from your car to your coffee machine, software is all around us, and behind all of it is good, clean, code. Over the past few years the limits to what technology can do for us on an everyday basis has expanded, and with that has come a tremendous need for talented software developers to write the backbone of all of these technologies. Learning a programming language has become just as important, if...

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The 10 Best Programming Languages To Know For 2016

The technology world is increasing rapidly with every passing year and months as they’re springing up with new trendier smartphones, tablets, and other devices every day. And competition is heated within the market to develop the best. That’s why programmers and internet developers are in tremendous demand these days. This results in the need for current information of programming languages. Many programming languages are offered, and every one of them has distinct functions. When you are...

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Why Learn Java?

Beginner Friendliness Generally, Java was designed to be relatively beginner-friendly in that it assumes the programmer is not that smart or careful, so programmers will be less likely to shoot themselves in the foot when coding Java apps. Relatively Simple to Use Java is a high level language, which means Java abstracts away (i.e. handles for you) most of the complex details of the machine (computer) such as memory management, etc. Thus, you can focus on programming instead of worrying about...

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The Most in Demand Programming Languages on Wall Street

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein raised some eyebrows last year when he said that banks are, in essence, technology companies. But the fact is, roughly 25% of Goldman’s staff work in technology – more than in any other sector. With analytics, mobile and web security poised to be major priorities for banks in 2015, tech departments on Wall Street should only continue to grow. But where will all the hiring occur? The key is to look at the programming languages that banks are, and aren’t, using....

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The 8 Most In-Demand Programming Languages of 2016

Interested in reading the original? Check it out over at General Assembly. In 2012, Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen famously declared, “Software is eating the world.” By 2020, there will be 1.4 million computer specialist job openings, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. But a study by Gartner projects that universities are not likely to produce enough qualified graduates to fill even about 30% of these jobs. This means that the door is wide open for individuals who do not have a...

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Gov. Markell highlights efforts to adapt Delaware's workforce to new technologies

In his latest message, Gov. Jack Markell highlighted recent efforts to train Delaware’s workforce to keep up with changing technologies. He used coding bootcamp Tech Ladder as an example. Tech Ladder recently achieved a hundred percent job placement for its first round of graduates. The 16 participants now have full-time IT positions in places including JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Capital One. In their new jobs, their salaries average $55,000. Markell noted one...

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3 Books Every Developer Needs To Read

There are a lot of developers in the world, though no two are the same. Each person—young or old— has followed a different path in their life to get to where they are, and the world of software developers is no different. Some earn their roles by going to traditional four year colleges to earn computer science degrees, or they earn an english degree. Some are self-taught, holing themselves in their rooms for hours tinkering with the most basic code, or building the most basic program. While...

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Tech Ladder achieves full job placement for its first graduating class

This article is courtesy of Delaware Public Media. Tech Ladder, a bootcamp to train coders, has achieved a hundred percent job placement for its first round of graduates. The 16 graduates learned how to code in Java and Javascript over the course of 12 weeks, which was completed last Friday. Tuition costs $2,000, but is paid back through apprenticeships with local companies. Tech Impact, a nonprofit that manages the program, offered full tuition scholarships to seven students who earned...

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