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7 Reasons to Select Cloud-Native Solutions

The cloud-native developer community grew from 6.5 million to 6.8 million engineers between FY20Q1 and FY21Q1, a 4.6% increase over a year. As the cloud-native programming survey shows, the popularity of containers, their orchestration tools, and serverless architecture also increased.

Cloud-native solutions, whether public, private or hybrid, offer enterprises a new way to build and run virtual applications. Cloud-native programs, unlike traditional monolithic applications, leverage the power of various microservices running in cloud ecosystems.

The pioneers along this path have been a group of well-known companies that are referred to as “born in the cloud” These are well-known companies such as Uber, Netflix, and Airbnb, whose IT assets took root in the cloud and have remained there ever since 

Alongside these trailblazers, companies also emerged that decided to migrate to virtual environments and transform their assets into cloud-based applications. Let us briefly touch on an important distinction between these two types of applications. Cloud-native and cloud-based applications differ in terms of development processes, performance, and other important components

The main difference between the two categories is the initial goal of the technology. Cloud-native applications, on the other hand, are designed to be deployed in the cloud. Cloud-enabled solutions, on the other hand, are designed for use in traditional data centers 

A cloud-based application is an existing software that has been migrated to the cloud environment. Local and cloud-based blocks will work together in this situation. This is often the fate of outdated enterprise and legacy software that needs a system upgrade 

Overall, cloud-native applications are easy to set up because no hardware or software is required. Hosting costs are also reduced due to lower licensing and storage costs

The following are some of the key benefits of cloud computing

A shorter time to market is a priority for many companies. Reducing the time, it takes to bring a product to market provides a competitive advantage. This, in turn, allows companies to catch modern trends to gain a larger market share. According to a survey by IBM, more than 70% of development leaders, IT executives, and developers agreed that cloud-native principles accelerate development and time to market.

As an example, 

The United States is using Kubernetes. The Department of Defense reduced the time between releases from 3-8 months to one week. After the transition, the Department reaped the benefits of cloud-native security and system speed. The initiative enabled DevSecOps on F-16 aircraft and giant armored battleships, saving over 100 years on 37 projects.

2. Simplifying Management

Cloud-native services simplify infrastructure administration. Using serverless platforms eliminates the need for on-premises networking, storage planning, and cloud instance provisioning.

The notion of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) grew in popularity as cloud-native platforms gained popularity and hence access to the available infrastructure.

Companies may save time on infrastructure setup and better use current human resources that would otherwise be spent on manual IT infrastructure management by doing so.

As an example,

cloud-native solution changed the business operations of Mux, an online video streaming service with numerous moving parts. To handle such a situation, the company initially used Docker containers with the Rancher stack for orchestration. However, it had concerns about network stability. So, it switched to Kubernetes to increase productivity in managing and deploying releases

3. Cost Savings

Instead of investing in business growth, most organizations spend about 80% of their IT spend on supporting legacy infrastructure. At the same time, about 30% of data center capacity is often underutilized. Cloud-native computing offers an enterprise a different path and approach to infrastructure, moving its finances away from costly ecosystems that run continuously and redirecting those savings into the introduction of new capabilities.

As an example,

As part of its digital transformation, Smart Cards wanted to install a reliable cloud solution. TechLadder developed a unique cloud solution that drew on DevOps best practices and extensive expertise in Docker containers and Kubernetes to help the customer automate software delivery and reduce time to market. The project saved a French software and high-tech manufacturer EUR 80,000.

4. System reliability and downtime reduction

Cloud-native security is enhanced by the fact that such programs are developed in collaboration with security specialists. In the event of a cyberattack, an organization has a better chance of managing the impact within a specific container, while the rest of the application remains unaffected 

The container orchestrator is a key enabler of such isolated threat management. If part of the infrastructure fails or a data center experiences problems, the portability of cloud-native software allows developers to move a component to another environment within the cloud that is ready for use.

As an example,

HubSpot expanded miraculously after doubling its production load and database size without changing its headcount. A leading CRM company decided to adopt Kubernetes to augment its existing MySQL operational experience, enabling a rapid database upgrade that previously took days. After automation, system failures cause only seconds of downtime.

5. There is no vendor lock-in

Sometimes third-party vendors choose to enhance or change their rules without your consent. However, cloud-native software is not affected by this scenario. Organizations that opt for the cloud can use a separate support provider to use their cloud-native services and solutions. They are also free to use any other community software that supports the required integrations.

As an example,

A Czech FinTech company serving forex brokers and their global customers needed to move all of their microservices from the PaaS provider’s solution to Docker containers and Kubernetes (EKS) after their PaaS provider announced they would change their cost of service within a quarter. They engaged a software vendor to help them make the improvements and integrated CI/CD into their new Kubernetes-powered platform on AWS, leveraging their CircleCI pipeline and GitHub. The transition took less than three months and enabled the FinTech company to avoid vendor lock-in.

6. Scalability and adaptability

According to the IMB survey, 75% of respondents prefer the greater flexibility of making changes in real-time with a cloud-native architecture. Ad hoc performance improvements with a cloud-native strategy give organizations more options to meet their customers’ changing expectations.

As an example,

Slack faced the challenge of manually managing its hosts, which were running an outdated configuration that could not handle the increasing number of MySQL queries per second. The company chose Vitess’ clustering technology, which allowed it to continue working with MySQL while hosting its instances on AWS. The initiative enabled the company to process about 500,000 queries per second at peak and reduce overall connection latency to 1 millisecond.

7. Increased Customer Satisfaction

Not surprisingly, the companies that can provide solutions that meet the growing needs of their customers will ride the wave faster. These companies are likely to attract and retain the best customers who appreciate such a customer-centric experience. Cloud-native solutions enable developers to deliver software and app upgrades in short, continuous cycles, paving the way for continuous delivery.

As an example,

InfluxData was looking for a multi-cloud, multi-region approach to accelerate product and service delivery. The problem was figuring out how to accomplish this without maintaining multiple programs to address the unique capabilities of each cloud provider. As a result of the search, the company chose Kubernetes to create a true cloud abstraction layer that enables seamless deployment of databases as a single application across all global clusters for all three major cloud providers: AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.

To Conclude

Considering all the benefits of cloud-native development, it’s high time to consider a new approach to designing and developing your applications. There is no question that it is better to start an upgrade with the support of a reputable provider 

We can assist you with the transition if you have specific knowledge gaps or a lack of in-house experience. Contact TechLadder to learn more about how cloud-native solutions enable digital transformation.